Last additions - 2013 Summer Excursion - Hightower's |

587 viewsJanice and Richard Hightower, talking about a few of the places where they've collected fossils worldwide.Sep 23, 2013

640 viewsRichard and Janice gathered us on their enormous back porch overlooking a beautiful creek to regale us with stories of collecting.Sep 23, 2013

641 viewsSep 23, 2013

628 viewsRare fossil baby turtle. Like today, few turtles survive to adulthood.Sep 23, 2013

623 viewsRichard's style is to carefully carve or brush away the matrix so the specimen is in a natural position in the matrix.Sep 23, 2013

620 viewsThis reptile's bones arrived in a ball of dirt that had been wrapped in tinfoil. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each bone from the jumble must be isolated, identified, and carefully assembled with special glues.Sep 23, 2013

589 viewsSep 23, 2013

584 viewsSep 23, 2013

586 viewsSep 23, 2013

594 viewsHuge trilobites.Sep 23, 2013

593 viewsGreen River fossil formation, Wyoming.Sep 23, 2013

601 viewsSep 23, 2013